Load Bank Testing
Test your system’s capability without interrupting standard utility services to your facility, determine if your system is capable of handling the load that is required & meet the National Fire Protection Code 110 “Standard for Emergency Power Systems”.
Battery Replacement
Battery failure is one of the most common reasons standby power systems fail to start. Increase your system’s reliability by replacing your battery every 2 years.
Cooling System Maintenance
Replacement of coolant and hoses is recommended every 3-5 years to maintain reliability. Engine block heater inspection & replacement helps ensure your power system will start when cold weather hits.
Engine Belt Replacement
Engine belts must be periodically replaced — like coolant hoses, over time, belts become brittle, and crack & split, leading to unexpected failure.
Fuel Cleaning & Treatment
Diesel fuel systems are subject to contamination from water, chemical deterioration of fuel over time, growth of organic materials, & foreign matter accumulation. Test, treat, & clean your diesel fuel system to increase reliability & delay engine wear.
Remote Monitoring
Your generator can run a self test, where a remote monitoring system verifies its operation. You can view your generator activity online at any time, & if your generator should fail, notifications will be sent according to your instructions.
Thermal Imaging
Detect heat patterns or temperature changes in objects,
discover problems prior to costly down-time or monitor developing problems, & perform inspections while the generator is under load by scanning from a safe distance.
Oil Analysis
A quick, non-destructive way to gauge the health of an engine and discover any problems by looking at what’s in the oil.